Go to your firebase project settings and scroll to the bottom and click add app.
Select Web Version.
Click Register App.
Save the Firebase config details in a notepad, we will need it in steps forward.
Continue to console
On top click on Service Accounts.
Go to database secrets and copy the secret key
Click on Firebase Admin SDK
On top right of this screen you will see Manage service account permission.
Click on it and it will open google cloud console.
Accept Terms and then click on the 3 dot shown next to the email id under Action.
Click Create Key and select Json and click create.
It will download a json file, save this file on the root folder.
Open the folder you have for the Web application.
You should now have the following with you.
1) Firebase config data saved in a notepad.
2) Json file downloaded and saved in the root folder.
3) Project open in your favourite ide, I am using Netbeans.
Go to Application-> Config -> Firebase
Update the details from the config data that you have to the corresponding values.
Update the Privacy and terms urls.
Save file and close. If you are using the new version, the below step on config.php can be skipped.
Skip this step if using the new version released after 17th December, 2020
Open Config.php
Update your URL.
Skip this step if using the new version released after 17th December, 2020
Open Application - > Views -> meeting.php
On Line numbers 27 and 54 curlurl, update the following
Line 27
CURLOPT_URL => "<your database url from config file>/Meetings.json?auth=<your database secretkey that you saved from Service account section earlier>",
Line 54
$curlurl = "<your database url from config file>/Meetings/".$keyids.".json?auth=<your database secretkey that you saved from Service account section earlier>";
On same page, to update your jitsi url(if you have your own server or with the one you are using on the apps) change line numbers 15 and 427
To change the Logo
In the root folder - open Assets and change the logo there.
To change favicon
In root folder replace favicon.ico with your icon.
To change page title and footer copyrights msg go to Application->Views->Includes->header.php and footer.php
Once you have made these changes you can upload all the files in the folder to your hosting application root folder of the domain.
For assistance please feel free to write to suppot@xenio.in
Web Installation is provided free of cost. ( Only Installation for WEB app, not any of the others or rebranding)
Paid Support is avaialble for Reskin, Installation and App store submission. Write to support@xenio.in